Got an issue about ant control in your St Catharines' home? Ants can be a natural pest, and it can be challenging to get rid of them. But with these smart tips, you can keep ants out of your home and get rid of them for good!
Ant control in your St Catharineshome is an essential part of keeping your home in St Catharines and family safe from pest invaders. Ants are one of the most common pests and can be challenging to get rid of if you don’t know how to deal with them. Here are 20 smart tips for keeping ants out of your home:
Ants are attracted to messes, so keeping your house clean will help keep them away. Make sure to clean up crumbs and food spills, vacuum regularly, and keep your floors clean. Ants are attracted to food crumbs and other debris.
Ants can get into your house through tiny cracks and openings, so using a sealant can help keep them out. Seal up any cracks or gaps around your doors and windows, and make sure your chimney is sealed correctly. Clean gutters and downspouts regularly, as they can also be a source of food for ants.
You can use a few things as a deterrent to keep ants away. The first one is cinnamon, which ants don’t like the smell of, and the other is vinegar, which ants can’t stand the taste of. You can also use a commercial ant deterrent or make your own by mixing water and lemon juice.
Ants are attracted to food, so keeping your food covered will help keep them away. Also, make sure to clean up any crumbs or spills right away. In addition, don’t leave food out in the open, especially during warm weather.
Another tip, ants need moisture to survive, so getting rid of humidity can help get rid of ants. Make sure your sinks and bathrooms are adequately ventilated and use a dehumidifier if necessary.
Ants like to build their nests in yards, so keeping your yard clean can help keep them away. Mow your lawn regularly, and get rid of any piles of leaves or debris. Plus, try to keep your trash can lid closed.
A chalk or cayenne pepper border can help keep ants out of your yard. The powder will irritate their feet and deter them from crossing into your yard.
Traps are a great way to get rid of ants without using harsh chemicals. You can use a few different types of traps, including bait traps, electric traps, and chemical traps.
If all else fails, you can use chemical pesticides to get rid of ants. Make sure to read the instructions carefully and follow all safety precautions. Place talcum powder or diatomaceous earth around the perimeter of your home to keep ants from entering.
Ants love to invade kitchens, so make sure to keep your counters and floors clean and free of food. Make sure that your kitchen is clean and free of food scraps. Store food in airtight containers, and clean up any spills or crumbs right away.
Ants like to invade pet food bowls, so keeping a close eye on your pets can help prevent an ant infestation. Make sure to clean your pet’s food bowl regularly and check for ants around the house.
Ants often swarm when they’re looking for a new place to build their nest, so if you see a swarm of ants, it’s best to take action right away. Contact a professional pest control company in St Catharines to get rid of the ants before they have a chance to invade your home.
If you know that ants are a problem in your area, it’s best to be prepared. Keep an ant killer on hand and use it as soon as you see any ants in your home. Trim back trees and bushes close to your home, as they can provide a bridge for ants to cross into your house.
If you live in an apartment or condo, ask your neighbours if they’re having problems with ants. Ants can travel between buildings, so ant control in your St Catharines community can be a community effort! Work with your neighbours to get rid of them.
The best way to keep ants out of your home is to stay vigilant. Make sure to clean up food spills and crumbs, and use a sealant to keep ants out. If you see any ants in your home, take action right away. Install a door sweep on your exterior doors to keep ants from getting into your home.
If you’re having trouble getting rid of ants, it can be helpful to keep a record of what you’ve tried. This will help you figure out what works and what doesn’t and help you come up with a plan to get rid of the ants for good.
If the ants are proving too much for you to handle, it’s best to call in a professional. Pest control companies have the experience and expertise to get rid of ants quickly and efficiently. If you’re having trouble getting rid of ants on your own, you can call a professional pest control company in St Catharines. They will be able to get rid of ants and help keep them from coming back.
There are a few natural remedies that can help get rid of ants. one is using essential oils, such as peppermint oil or lavender oil. You can also try using a homemade ant killer, such as borax and sugar. Just follow these instructions, and you can get rid of ants without using harsh chemicals.
Bait traps are a great way to get rid of ants without using harsh chemicals. The traps use a sweet bait that ants love, but the poison in the bait kills them.
Getting rid of ants can take time, so be patient and keep at it until you’ve got them beat. With a little bit of effort, you can get rid of those pesky ants for good.
- Ants can carry 50 times their body weight
- There are more than 12,000 species of ants
- Ants can live up to seven years
- They can sense movement up to 100 feet away
- This insect can produce up to 180 eggs a day
- Ants can travel up to six miles a day
- The average ant colony has about 250,000 ants
- Ants can communicate through chemicals
- This insect use their antennae to smell and taste
- Ants can heal themselves and build their nests
- Some ants can produce a form of sugar called honeydew, which ants, wasps, and bees eat.
Now that you know a little bit more about ants, you can better protect your home from an infestation.
Ants are a common pest that can be difficult to get rid of. But with these smart tips, you can keep ants out of your home and keep them from coming back. Ants can be a nuisance when they invade your home, but with these smart tips, you can keep them out and get rid of them for good!
By following these smart tips, ant control in your St Catharines home is possible! And you can get rid of them for good! Pest Control St Catharines is here to help if you need it.
For more information on getting rid of ants or other pests, call us now at 289-797-2999!
Bed Bugs are small, wingless insects which feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals. There are over 30 bedbug species which can be found all across the globe. Their name comes from their preferred habitat: bedding or other areas where people sleep, but bed bugs can survive just about anywhere - armchairs, carpeting, trash cans, cracks in walls and floors.
They don't have nests like ants or bees do, instead they congregate when a potential food source is near.
These pests have flattened bodies with microscopic hairs that provide them with an almost velvety texture to help them hide in nooks and crannies. Bedbugs range in color from nearly white (just after molting) or a light tan; red or brown after feeding.
Unlike many pests, bedbugs do not transmit diseases through their bites. However, bedbug bites can cause an allergic reaction in some people. A bedbug infestation can be stressful enough on its own, but the anxiety of getting bites often leads to sleepless nights or anxiety attacks.
The easiest way to find bed bugs is by looking for blood spots (fecal matter) on bedding or mattresses. Bedbugs feed only when their bodies are touching a surface like bedding or clothing; they cannot fly or jump like other insects.
You may also see the actual bedbugs themselves, which are about the size of apple seeds with six legs. They move very slowly but can become more active at night when they are looking for a bed to feed on.
If you have bed bugs the best way to get rid of them is through heat treatment. Heat application works by heating up bedding, clothing and most other items in your home to over 120° Fahrenheit for an hour or more which will kill bedbugs and their eggs.
You may need to discard some items that can't be treated like pillows, stuffed animals, mattresses and box springs due to excessive costs associated with treating these items.
A pest professional can identify problem areas where bed bugs might hide before beginning the extermination process - this allows for better bed bug extermination results and a bed bug free home.
Be aware bedbugs are not known to transmit diseases, but they will cause physical discomfort for those that have bedbug allergies.
If you think you may have bed bugs then start looking for bed bug feces and blood spots on bedding or mattresses. You may also be able to see live bed bugs scurrying away from your bedding when you turn on lights at night - these pests will move slowly across a room until they find somewhere else to hide. This is why pest pest control professionals should inspect all possible locations where bed bugs can hide before beginning treatment.
Non-chemical bed bug control treatments only work on bedbugs that are exposed to the bedbug treatment - bedbugs hidden away in cracks and crevices will not be affected by non-chemical bed bug extermination methods.
It is one of the most common types of non-chemical bed bug control. It is composed of fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard shelled algae. Under a microscope, they resemble shards of glass.
When bedbugs cross paths with diatomaceous earth, their exoskeletons are shredded by these sharp particles. This causes them to dehydrate and die.
Applying an insecticide powder like food grade diatomaceous earth or other bed bug dusts after vacuuming is most effective. The powder will kill the bugs that have been sucked into the vacuum. They won't come out again once they're dead!
Vacuuming bed bugs up is a good non-chemical method of killing bedbugs, but it also helps with bed bug prevention. If you can afford to replace your vacuum cleaner afterward then do so. Bed bugs are likely to be in the vacuum bag which will bring bedbugs straight back into your home.
Mattress encasements work by preventing bed bugs from getting access to exposed surfaces of your mattress. They love to hide in these places and and lay eggs.
Chemical Means of Killing Bed Bugs
Chemicals used for bed bug extermination include pyrethroid insecticides, carbaryl, malathion and bed bug growth regulators.
Many bed bug insecticides are available to consumers in retail stores, but bedbugs can become immune to these chemicals over time which will prevent effective bed bug extermination.
Chemical bedbug treatment by pest professionals is more effective because they use stronger bedbug pesticides that are not available for homeowners to purchase.
Pyrethroids mimic the effects of a naturally occurring chemical found in Chrysanthemum flowers which kills insects (and bed bugs).
As mentioned earlier, bedbugs may become resistant to commonly used pyrethroids after prolonged exposure; if this happens, then use other chemicals - your pest professional should know what chemicals will work best against bedbugs in your area.
Carbamates and organophosphate insecticides are less toxic than pyrethroids, but bed bugs will likely become resistant to these bed bug pesticides in the same way bed bugs develop a resistance to pyrethroid bed bug sprays.
These chemicals can also cause irritation in humans - respiratory problems, nausea and vomiting if exposure is too high. If you notice symptoms after bed bug extermination then call your doctor or go to the emergency room immediately!
Malathion is a broad spectrum pesticide that works well for bed bugs because it doesn't break down quickly like other bedbug pesticides. With careful application, you can use this pesticide indoors without exposing your family to the chemical.
This bug spray is not as effective against bed bugs as other pesticides, but doesn't cause bed bugs to develop resistance which means it could be a good long-term bed bug treatment option.
Insect growth regulators (IGRs) like methoprene and hydroprene don't kill bedbugs directly - they prevent them from growing and reproducing effectively stopping bed bugs dead in their tracks!
IGRs are relatively safe for humans and other non-target organisms. You may see them used in conjunction with other bedbug control methods such as diatomaceous earth bed bug powder.
The first step to preventing bed bugs from coming back into your home is removing bedbug infested bedding. Wash all bedding in the hottest water possible then dry on high heat until completely dry.
If you have items that where you cannot use high temperature for washing them, put them in airtight plastic bags for several days before washing to help kill bed bugs hiding inside these hard-to-wash items.
Bedbugs are experts at hiding away. That is why it's so important to inspect every single item that could bring bedbugs back into your home. This includes buying or accepting used goods from friends and neighbours. Always check underneath cushions, in cracks and crevices, behind bed frames and bed headboards.
It's best to seal off sections of your home for several weeks after extermination. This way, any bed bugs hiding nearby will starve first before re-entering your home.
Diatomaceous earth bed bug powder is a great option for bed bug control. It works quickly without leaving poisonous chemicals in your home or on your skin - wherever you apply diatomaceous earth bed bug powder.
It will destroy bugs by dehydrating them until they die! Diatomaceous earth bed bug spray is also available for use around exterior entry points into your home.
Bed bug monitors are adhesive strips that use heat, moisture and CO2 to attract bed bugs. These will indicate if there are active nests in your home when bed bugs are most active - at night!
When you see bed bugs or signs of their presence using the monitor, it's time for another round of bed bug pesticide spraying.
Bed bug monitors are useful tools for monitoring bedbug activity before, during and after extermination. Pest professionals who use them will then llet you know which areas need additional treatment.
Storing clothing items in airtight plastic bags until treatment is complete will help prevent bedbugs from coming into contact with your clothing. If they do come in contact with clothing items, wash them in water hotter than 45 degrees Celsius. This high temp can kill bedbugs and bedbug eggs.
Stop all pests including bed bugs, dead on their tracks! Call Pest Control St Catharines for long-lasting solutions to your bug problems. Contact us now to get a free estimate!
Choosing the right pest control company can be difficult. Many companies claim to be the best in their field. However, how do you know which one is right for you?
Take a look at these guidelines and tips on choosing a pest control company to help simplify things.
Depending on the types of pests in St Catharines, you may need to use different methods.
For example, if you have an infestation of cockroaches, you might go with a company that uses baits or gels.
If there are termites present in your home, you should look for companies that use termiticides.
Of course, the best course of action is to never have a pest problem in your home. If you do encounter one, it's good to know what types of pests are active. You must also remember where they tend to be located.
If you know where and when to see different pests, it will be easier to recognize them.
For example, mice tend to stay in the walls and near small cracks and holes to access your home.
On the other hand, ants typically aren't too difficult to find since they leave a trail.
Getting quotes and checking reviews is essential before deciding on a company that will get rid of your pest problem.
Reviews will give you a sense of what people think of their hired Company.
It may also be beneficial for you to leave your review as a consumer.
Look through customer satisfaction rates and how much it will cost you to solve the problem with each company.
It's not just crucial for your safety, but the company must undergo inspection by their local government. This is how they can stay in business legally.
Should there be an issue or problem with their work, you don't want to find yourself liable for the damages.
If you hire a pest control company to work on your home, make sure they specialize in residential services.
However, if you hire a wildlife removal company, they may not help with other pests in of your home. They may not have the right equipment or knowledge necessary to eliminate the pest infestation problem.
It's always a good idea to ask for references from previous clients when looking for a pest control company.
Please get in contact with each reference and see what they thought of the work done by the company.
Were they happy? Were they satisfied with the results? How much did it cost, and was it reasonable?
Once a company has answered all of your questions, and you know what they specialize in, get an estimate.
Get a quote for how much you will have to pay to get rid of the pest problem from several companies.
Then compare the quotes from different companies.
Undoubtedly, if you receive a quote over the phone, get everything in writing. Do not sign any contracts or agreements without reading the fine print.
Make sure that all of the information they provide is accurate and spelled out for you to avoid any issues.
Many insurance providers offer commercial liability insurance coverage, worker's compensation insurance, property damage, etc.
Ask the Company which insurers they work with so that you can easily file a claim if necessary.
Choosing the best pest control company can be challenging. However, you should have an easier time narrowing down your choices if you know what steps to take beforehand.
Know how much money it will cost and which companies offer the safest practices. These are just two things that can help simplify the entire process for you.
Our advice: Call us!
We here at Pest Control St Catharines understand that you only want the best. So we strive to bring our customers the most satisfactory service possible.
You may be asking yourself, how do we guarantee this? Here are some ways we do it:
1) Our technicians receive a minimum of 80 hours of training on all types of pests and pest control methods. This also includes our in-house professionals do all of our training to ensure quick solutions to your specific pest problem.
2) Our managers or supervisors regularly monitor and evaluate our technicians. As a result, we can ensure we continue to provide excellent service.
3) We will only use EPA-registered chemicals, which means that your family, pets, and the environment are safe.
4) Our highly qualified pest control specialists average 11 years of experience. Thus, they can assist you with any queries or queries you may have.
5) We offer our services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so no matter what time you call us, we will be there to help you resolve your pest problem.
6) We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee with all our service plans. If, for some reason, you are not completely satisfied with the services we provide, call us, and we will make it right.
7) On many of our service plans, we provide a free initial inspection which includes a thorough exterior and interior inspection of your home. The initial inspection is usually 1 hour but can be longer depending on the circumstances.
8) We have a 24/7 emergency phone service to get to you quickly and resolve your pest problems before they become worse and spread throughout your home or business, which saves you money in the long run.
9) We offer guaranteed results — your satisfaction is our goal. We believe that our service plans are the best in the business and hope that you will give us a chance to prove it to you!
Roaches will likely romp around in your home in St Catharines and the Niagara region. Unless you have not taken the proper steps to pest control. It is easier than you think, but first, let's talk about just how bothersome roaches can be.
First of all, roaches are gross. There is no way to sugarcoat that statement. They are dirty, and they leave their droppings all over the place.
Not only are their droppings unsightly, but they can also be allergens and triggers for asthma attacks.
In addition to being a general nuisance, roaches can also contaminate your food. They like to hang out in warm, moist areas like the kitchen. If they eat your food, you can bet it will be contaminated with all kinds of germs.
If this isn't enough to convince you to get rid of roaches, their bodies are also common hosts for disease-carrying parasites like lice and mites.
So, if the thought of living with roaches makes your skin crawl, the key is to control and contain them. Roaches can be a huge problem. However, there are ways to get rid of roaches that won't cost an arm and a leg:
The roaches can crawl right in if you have cracks in your walls or around your doors and windows.
Use a caulking gun to seal up the cracks and use weather stripping to seal your doors and windows.
Eliminating all access to these things is crucial in getting rid of roaches. They are scavengers, so you want to prevent them from smelling any of the food in your cabinets.
Wash up all dishes and clean them since roaches cannot eat off a dirty surface.
Roaches love to hang out in moist environments, so get rid of any buckets, flowerpots, or other containers that might be holding water.
Fix any leaky faucets and make sure your drainage is working correctly.
There are a variety of traps available, including bait traps, insect glue traps, and water traps. Choose the type of trap that will work best for your specific situation.
These pest control professionals have the experience and knowledge to help get rid of roaches and other pests quickly and effectively.
They use specialized solutions to ensure your home is pest-free.
The most reliable pest contol services provider in St Cathrines and the Niagara region!
When professional pest control becomes necessary, always consider contacting a reliable company like Pest Control St Catharines.
We have been providing quality pest control services in the Niagara area for over five years. Our team of experienced professionals knows how to get the job done right. Contact us today for a free consultation!
There are a few different ways to get rid of mice as part of pest control solutions. The most popular way is traps or poisons, but they can be dangerous and harmful to children and pets. A more natural alternative is mouse repellents.
It would help if you took care of a mouse infestation quickly, as mice reproduce rapidly. A female mouse can produce 30-60 pups each year. Six of them can reproduce up to 80 in just 3 months!
So, an infestation can happen very quickly!
After making their home in an area, mice build nests to have their litter. These nests are often made of soft materials, such as clothing or blankets. They can also be found in attics, between walls and floorboards, in the car, etc.
Mothballs are substances used to repel mice by creating a toxic environment for them.
It is essential not to use mothballs containing paradichlorobenzene (PDB) because it's toxic when inhaled or ingested over time.
PDB is also very dangerous if accidentally mixed with water or other chemicals.
Camphor is a more natural alternative that has been shown to work just as well without being dangerous for children or pets.
Pyrethrin Spray
Pyrethrin is a natural plant extract that is very effective at repelling mice. These work similarly to mothballs, without worrying about pets or children getting sick. The main downside is they have a shorter life span than mothballs.
When choosing the right spray for you, make sure you select one with pyrethrins as an active ingredient.
Mouse Resistant Materials
Mice don't like shiny objects, so aluminum foil can drive them away. Stainless steel like in steel wool are also mice-deterrent. Use steel wool to close up holes where mice may have gnawed their way out.
This method is more of a short-term solution as it doesn't solve the problem entirely. Also, once these materials are gone, pests will come and invade your home again.
Mouse Traps
Not the most humane traps, but they are effective. When using mouse traps, it's important to remember not to place them where they are out of reach, especially children.
Mice are very clever. They can recognize that a trap is for them just by seeing something out of the ordinary in an area.
The two types of traps used are snap traps and live cage traps. Both types have pros and cons, so it's a matter of preference for which works best for you.
Snap traps may be messy to clean up, but they work quickly.
They also require less effort on your part to use them. Live cage traps don't impact the mouse once caught, but they cost more money than snap traps.
If you choose to use live traps as pest control solutions, you can release them into the wild. You can also exterminate or kill them without having your family witness the act.
Children and snap traps don't go well together. So if you have little ones, make sure they don't run around near where you place snap traps.
It's also important to remember not to touch a mouse caught in the snap. It may carry diseases and other health risks.
Once you trap a mouse, dispose of the mouse away far from your home.
Step 1: Find the mice nests by looking for feces, hairballs, etc. Mice tend to make their nests in dark, quiet areas like attics or basements. They like small undisturbed spaces.
Step 2: Cut a piece of cardboard that will fit under your door frame (so it goes under the door). Tape one end of the cardboard on each side of your doorway with packaging tape (non-toxic!).
This will prevent mice from getting inside your home through the door. Even better, put some grease on the cardboard to be slippery, and they won't want to cross it.
Step 3: If you see mouse droppings or nests in your home, block off the spaces in their path. You can use steel wool or a crumpled up chicken wire for this. This will keep them from crawling inside your walls and leaving their droppings behind as they travel.
Step 4: Set up one snap trap per room with mice activity (or as many as needed). Place them where they'll most likely try to get into your home again. Also be sure no gaps exist around any of those areas either before baiting them or after setting them up.
Note: make sure you don't use too much bait on the traps. This may attract other unwanted pests into your home. Also, avoid setting them up where children or pets can find and mess with them!
Step 5: Bait the snap trap. Put peanut butter (or another treat) right in the center of it. Then stick a toothpick through it so that it sticks out from under the trigger. When they reach for it, their paw will fall onto the trigger and pulled down onto the trap housing.
Most snap traps aren't strong enough to harm hold larger animals like squirrels when accidentally closing on them. They'll usually release before hurting them. Smaller mice generally won't be able to escape.
Step 6: After a few days, check and see if any traps caught any. If they have, dispose of them properly according to your regional laws. Be sure to reset the trap with a new piece of bait on it.
If not, either move or relocate the traps after nightfall or wait for a week before checking again. Sometimes just moving them around will spook out any remaining mice. So you don't have to worry about resetting them right away.
Step 7: Clean up dead bodies as soon as possible. You can use gloves or other protective wear if you do this part yourself. I recommend wearing a facial mask also.
Live cage traps for mice are perfect pest control solutions that is more humane as they don't kill. The best part is that they come in several designs, including ones that have an easy release door.
Step 1: Make sure the wires of the traps you buy are not too far spaced apart. If the gaps are too big, smaller mice can get in, steal your bait and out they go! at least one inch so mice can crawl through it freely. If you have a lot of mice, spread them around your home to catch as many as you can.
This way, they won't even bother coming inside anymore! But make sure you still check the traps every couple of days if using this method.
Step 2: Place a little bit of bait under one end of the trap according to what is mentioned above.
Step 3: Set this trap near a wall or space that mice run along. This doesn't take too long for the mouse to find the bait which is food to them!
Step 4: Be patient and check your traps regularly.
Place glue boards along the walls where mice notice them. This immediately traps them once they reach that area. Their little feet becomes stuck on the board and they are unable to escape! The glue on these boards should be sticky enough but not too strong to hurt them.
Step 1: Make sure it's in an area that people won't accidentally step or sit on top of them. Otherwise, you'll transfer the trap onto someone else and never actually catch any mice!
Step 3: Be patient and check your traps regularly. There's nothing worse than trapping the wrong animal into one of these things, so take your time when setting them up.
Many different stories throughout history have featured mice. This includes cartoons about the Old West, where they depict them as destructive creatures who are not worthy to earn our trust.
In some cases, people can blame mice for causing disasters by spreading disease through their droppings and body fluids. Society portrays them as a plague - we need to destroy them at any cost.
It's true that rodents can carry diseases, especially if they're going into or out of a food preparation area. In some cases they can be a threat to human life.
Using the methods suggested above, you can efficiently deal with them.
If you see a mouse running around your home – especially if it's just one or two of them instead of a large group – then this is probably indicative that your house is filthy and that no one has cleaned for a long time!
It may also mean that mice have been able to sneak into your living space through any number of small holes in furniture or walls. Now's as good a time as any to check for those and seal them shut.
This will stop them from coming back and allow you to clean your home thoroughly, so their droppings don't cause harm later on.
At Pest Control Niagara, ON, we can offer pest control solutions for rodents and other pests that may have invaded your home. Our pest technicians will not only get rid of these pesky pests but can also make your home more pest-proof in the future.
We provide free inspections and a plan for pest control solutions for new customers. We also offer receive discounts on our maintenance services plan.
Pests don't discriminate and will invade your home in St Catharines, if you don't believe in pest control in St Catharines! They crawl through the smallest gaps in search of food, so nothing is stopping them from coming inside all hours of day or night!
That means every type! Roaches scurry quickly towards their next meal while ants trek kilometres to get close at the first sight of food. And mice and rats! Yikes!
In St Catharines, It's essential to know how you should approach each pest to know which method of pest control is right for you.
Here is a list of the most common pests that invade our homes:
Ants are one of the most common pests found in the average home.
You might see tiny black or red ants crawling around your kitchen counters, or they might be swarming around your candy bowl. Ants aren't just a nuisance for your food, but wasps and bees as well.
They will leave their mark on the sweetness of any sugary substance, and it is usually not pleasant to bite into when you discover an ant in your brownies!
There are many different types of ants and very few ways to get rid of them with complete satisfaction once they have invaded our homes.
Cockroaches are another of the most common pests found in an average home.
They are known for their distinctive appearance. They have shiny, armour-like shells that help protect them from many types of household chemicals, traps, and insecticides used to get rid of them.
Although there are over 3,500 species of cockroaches worldwide, only around 30 species live with humans.
Cockroaches carry diseases and germs on their legs and bodies, passing them onto people through contact with food or kitchen utensils contaminating them.
While some cockroach species do not cause harm to humans, they may contaminate areas by shedding their skin or dying in walls causing foul odours.
Dust mites are another of the most common pests found in an average home.
They can be found anywhere there is a collection of dead skin cells. These include beds, furniture, carpets, old clothing, and stuffed animals.
Our homes can become infested with dust mites if we have not cleaned or vacuumed the floors or carpet for a long time.
The presence of large numbers of dust mites may cause allergic reactions among those sensitive to them. Although they usually feed on dead human skin cells, it has been known for some species to feed on live human skin cells as well.
Dust mites were named for the fine dust collected by their fecal pellets. These pests are about 1/12 of a millimetre long or about as thick as human hair.
House dust mites feed on flakes that shed human skin. They thrive in warm, humid conditions with little disturbance from airflow or sunlight.
Dust mites have been increasingly problematic for people worldwide as homes become more sealed against air pollution and weather extremes.
Pantry pests are another of the most common pests found in an average home.
Your pantry might appear to be a haven for food storage, but it is a dangerous place for your goods. There are many reasons why pantry pests may want to move into your food store, dead or alive.
They could be looking for warmth and shelter from the elements, which we all need from time to time, even if we don't precisely enjoy sharing our space with them!
They will not just leave once they have made their way into your pantry either! That's because then they would only have to find somewhere else equally as welcoming to live in! They will continue to multiply and become a significant problem if not eradicated quickly.
Fruit flies are one of the most common pests found in the average home.
This tiny pesky insect is drawn to fermenting fruit products such as juices or alcohol. But don't worry because it isn't harmful to us; it's just unpleasant to find one bite into your favorite snack only to feel a crunch of wings.
No one ever wants to discover evidence of an infestation and then end up with dozens of fruit flies flying around their head. Here is a list of ways that you can get rid of fruit flies:
These bugs are one of the most severe pests found in the average home. And it seems they are coming to St Catharines and here to stay without a pest control plan!
One bite from these nasty parasites is enough to swell, itch, puff up and even develop into full-blown welts. Bed bugs are usually only discovered after having an infestation because they're mostly active at night when you sleep.
They hide in dark spaces like mattress seams or behind headboards during the day, but their flat bodies allow them to slip into any crack or crevice for protection.
If you are unfortunate enough to be infested with these little bloodsuckers, then follow this advice:
Rats and mice are the most common vermin found in the average home.
Whether you have seen little furry trails running along your kitchen floor or heard tiny feet scuttling behind your baseboard, you probably know what a mouse looks like.
Mice are often considered more of a nuisance than a threat due to their diminutive size, so they can get into even the tiniest spaces without being noticed until it's too late.
Rats are larger than mice and thus are more destructive if not dealt with swiftly. They can spread disease through contamination via urine and feces, which is why it is essential to clean up whatever they have affected as soon as you can.
Rats can breed exponentially fast, meaning they will only escalate if no action is taken against them. They contaminate all of their living spaces by urinating frequently and leaving droppings everywhere. Cleaning up after these pests is another crucial step of rodent control:
There are a number of ways to ward off pests from your home. Whether you are dealing with bedbugs, rodents or any other kind of vermin, following these simple tips can help you get rid of them for good.
Prevention is vital, so be sure to keep your home clean and free of clutter and take action when you see any signs of an infestation. For more detailed instructions, please consult with a professional pest control exterminator in St Catharines.
With Pest Control St Catharines, you can rest assured that we'll take care of all your pest control needs.
We have a wide variety of services to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your specific situation.
Contact us today and let us help take care of your pests!
Winter is a demanding time of year not just for pest control technicians in Niagara, Ontario but FLEAS! Fleas have to adapt to the changing climate and the reduced food supply available, and changes in animal behavior, affecting their ability to reproduce.
They tend to be more challenging to see with the naked eye during this time, but it's important not to let your guard down. The presence of a few fleas in the house can turn into an infestation.
When the temperature drops, fleas can enter an idle state called diapause. This is similar to hibernation, except that they are less vulnerable to harsh environmental conditions or insecticides during this time. They will remain this way until they are fully warmed again.
To keep the winter from being more profitable for these parasites, you need to take the proper steps.
First of all, you must rid your house of fleas and their eggs. You can do this by vacuuming and using an insecticide. Make sure to get deep into carpets, rugs, and furniture and give special attention to areas where your animals sleep and rest.
Afterward, seal off any possible entry points for the intruder to come back in. Make sure windows and doors cannot be opened from the outside, and consider using screens when you are letting your animal out for some fresh air.
The best thing to do is start out with suitable materials, so you don't have to use harsh chemicals later on, or worse, put your pet's life in danger by using products not meant for them.
Preventive treatment can be done as early as September, but try not to start right before winter, as the pesticide won't last as long due to the harsher weather conditions. The ideal time is October or November - once this window closes, it will be difficult to treat your house for fleas until the following spring.
You want to start with a higher concentration of pesticide than what you'll need for complete coverage, and the ideal solution is to opt for ready-to-use products that anyone can safely handle.
An aerosol sprayer is recommended because it will allow you to get into hard-to-reach areas such as cracks and crevices.
If you have an infestation, treatment will be more difficult. Ready-to-use products are still recommended, but it's best to use them in conjunction with a fogger for the most significant impact on the population. To get rid of eggs that may already be present in your home, seek out professional help.
Because they are tiny, if you start looking for them early enough, you can prevent a full-blown infestation by using the right products at the right time. You should be looking for “flea dirt”, very dark in color, and you can see it in little piles.
If you see this fecal matter, that's where the larvae are. That would be an infestation if you see them moving around and jumping on your cat or dog.
What if you don't want to get your hands dirty? What if you'd rather hire a professional for getting rid of fleas in the house? Unfortunately, this isn't always such a great idea. Some exterminators will use pesticides that are not safe for your pets or children, and it's best to call around before deciding on one.
Need help with getting rid of fleas this winter? Contact a pest control company in your area now!
Need the pros to treat your home for fleas and other pests? Contact Pest Control Niagara Ontario today!
Pest Control Niagara Ontario is the best choice in your area when you need to treat fleas and other pests in the winter! Contact us today!
Got a plan for pest control in Niagara, ON this winter? Are you worried about pests coming into your home? We expect that winter is the time for pests to go indoors since homes are usually warmer and cozy, making them the perfect environment. Winter weather changes outside leave homes at risk of pest invasions if we don't take precautions.
This is why it's essential to find an effective pest control solution before pests begin their yearly migration.
Here are some actionable things that will prevent that from happening this year:
You can do many other things to prevent pests from coming into your home this winter, but these are the most important ones.
To have a pest-free home this winter, take the time to start getting rid of pests as soon as you see them. If you don't want to deal with it yourself, contact reliable pest control technicians who will handle any problems for you.
They are experts at getting rid of pests in homes, so hiring them is the best option if you don't want to deal with it yourself or find a solution that will fix the problem for good.
Here are additional benefits you can get when you work with professionals:
Many other benefits come along with hiring a qualified pest control technician, but these are the most important ones.
To have a pest-free home this winter, take the time to hire quality technicians, so you don't have to worry about pests coming back in between service calls.
If you have a pest problem, call reliable pest control technicians to help with the issue instead of trying to fix it yourself or simply ignoring it.
Contacting a professional is easy - all it takes is one call to get started.
Contact a qualified pest control specialist today to learn more about how you can get rid of pests this winter.
Work with Pest Control Niagara Ontario to rid your home of pests once and for all so you can have a pest-free winter!
Call us now at (289)797-2999!