Pest Control St Catharines: Controlling Bees & Stinging Insects - Pain-Free!

You'll be surprised how many calls we get for bee removal in St Catharines! Yes, controlling bees and stinging insects and other stinging insects can be a real pain – literally! If you're allergic to their venom, a bee sting can be life-threatening. But even if you're not allergic, a bee sting can still be quite painful. 

So how do you avoid getting stung in the first place? Is professional bee removal in St Catharines necessary? And what should you do if you get stung?

FAQs About Bees and Stinging Insects

Are Bees Beneficial Insects?

Bees are essential pollinators, which means they help cross-pollinate plants as they collect nectar and pollen. This is vital for plant reproduction and, consequently, the survival of many plant species. 

Some bee species are also valuable in producing honey.

The Difference Between a Wasp and a Bee 

Bees are typically fuzzier than wasps and have shorter legs. They are generally black and yellow, while wasps can be of various colours, including red, yellow, brown or black. 

Most importantly, bees are vegetarians and only eat pollen and nectar from plants. Wasps, on the other hand, are predators and eat other insects (including bees!).

Can a bee survive without its sting? Why can bees only sting once?

Pest Control St Catharines Bees & Stinging Insects - What a Pain! bottom part of a bee showing its stinger

Yes, a bee can survive without its sting, but it will die. When a bee stings, its stinger (part of its abdomen) gets stuck in the victim's skin. 

The bee then tears itself away from its abdomen, leaving the stinger (and venom sac) behind. This ruptures the bee's abdomen and kills it, so that is why bees can only sting once,

What makes bees want to sting?

Bees will only sting humans or animals if they feel threatened. For example, if you swat at a bee or step on one, it may sting you in defence. Some bee species are more prone to stinging than others. 

For instance, honeybees are generally not aggressive and will only sting if they feel their hive is dangerous. 

Conversely, African honeybees (also known as "killer bees") are much more aggressive and will attack even if they don't perceive a threat to their hive.

What attracts bees and other stinging insects?

There are a few things that can attract bees and other stinging insects:

  • Flowers: Bees are attracted to flowers for their nectar. If you're outside in an area with flowers, be aware that bees may be around.
  • Food: If you're eating or drinking something sweet, like fruit juice or soda, you may attract bees or wasps. Be especially careful with open containers of sugar-based beverages.
  • Perfume or cologne: Sweet-smelling perfumes and colognes can also attract bees and wasps.

Why bees and other stinging insects can be a pain – literally.

There are several different types of bees, and they all have different ways of defending themselves. Honeybees, for instance, will only sting when they feel threatened – like when you swat at them or step on them. 

On the other hand, bumblebees can sting even without provocation. They're more likely to sting if they're disturbed, or their nest is disturbed.

Pest Control St Catharines Bees & Stinging Insects - What a Pain! a hornets' nest

Wasp stings are usually more painful than bee stings, and some people can have severe reactions to wasp stings even if they're not allergic.

Yellowjackets, hornets, and paper wasps are all types of wasps.

And for some people, those stings can trigger a severe allergic reaction. That's why it's crucial to be aware of these pests and take steps to avoid them.

Stinging insects are most prolific during the day, so it's essential to be cautious when outdoors during peak hours.

How to avoid getting stung in the first place

Bee removal in St Catharines is necessary when these stinging insects have invaded your property. For your safety, early intervention by means of keeping your yard and home free of insects can deter them from coming into contact with you or your family. In addition, pest control companies can also provide you with tips on avoiding getting stung. 

Some suggestions include wearing long sleeves and pants when outside, avoiding sweet-smelling perfumes or lotions, and not leaving food or drinks out.

By following these simple tips, you can enjoy your time outdoors without worrying about getting stung by an unwanted guest.

What to do if you do get stung

If you see a nest or hive, stay away and call a professional pest control company for safe removal. If you get stung, remove the stinger as soon as possible and wash the area with soap and water. You can also apply a cold compress to the site to help reduce swelling.

If you're allergic to bee stings, it's essential to carry an EpiPen with you. And if you are stung, call 911 immediately and go to the nearest hospital.

Most people are not allergic to bee stings and will only experience minor pain and swelling at the sting site. There are a few home remedies for these people that can help ease the pain. These include:

1. Applying a cold compress to the area

2. Taking over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen or acetaminophen

3. Applying a topical ointment like calamine lotion

4. Soaking the area in a cool bath

5. Placing a slice of fresh ginger on the site of the sting

You can quickly and efficiently treat a bee sting at home by following these simple tips. However, if you're allergic to bee stings, it's essential to seek medical attention immediately.

The importance of seeking medical help if you're allergic to bee venom

Bee venom allergies are more common than most people realize. The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology estimates that 5% of the population may be allergic to bee stings. 

And while most reactions are mild, a small percentage of people can have a severe reaction known as anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening. If you're allergic to bee venom, it's essential to seek medical help as soon as possible. 

The first step is to see an allergy specialist for a skin test. If the test is positive, your doctor will likely prescribe an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen), which you should carry with you. In the event of

The role of pest control

Pest Control St Catharines Bees & Stinging Insects - What a Pain! a wasps' nest

Contact a licensed pest control company for help with controlling bees and stinging insects on your property. They can assess the situation and develop a plan to eliminate the pests – and help keep you safe from painful stings.

In conclusion, you can do a few things to avoid getting stung by bees or other insects, but calling a professional pest control company is probably the best.

It's essential to be cautious when outdoors during peak hours, especially during the day when stinging insects are most active.

Pest Control St Catharines and Controlling Bees and Stinging Insects

Contact a licensed pest control company if insect and bee removal in St Catharines is a concern for you. They can assess the situation and develop a plan to eliminate the pests – and help keep you safe from painful stings.

Pest Control St Catharines is a team of experts who can help you with the safe removal of bees from your property. Our services cover other areas like Fort Erie, Thorold and the Niagara region.

We use techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to safely remove bees and other insects from your home or business. We also provide tips on preventing bee stings and what to do if you are stung.

If you're looking for a team of experts who can help you with stinging insects and bee removal in St Catharines, call Pest Control St Catharines today!

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